Monthly Archives: April 2016

Samsung’s LED strategy – ALLOS comments in CS magazine

Will Samsung transform and conquer the LED industry with disruptive GaN-on-Si technology? Compound Semiconductor magazine gave ALLOS the opportunity to comment on the situation. Read the article in today’s issue of CS magazine or download your copy here. Background: In the March issue of CS magazine Samsung published an article about its GaN-on-Si LED technology

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ALLOS transferred its GaN-on-Si power semiconductor epiwafer technology to industry leader in less than twelve weeks

Dresden, Germany – 11th April 2016 – ALLOS Semiconductors has transferred its latest generation GaN-on-Si epiwafer technology in less than twelve weeks to a major international industry player. This is part of a comprehensive joint project to accelerate the GaN-on-Si power semiconductor product development of that customer. ALLOS Semiconductors today announced the successful completion of

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