Blog Archives

ALLOS speaks at Huawei’s internal ‘Material Forum’ about micro LED display manufacturing challenges

Thank you to the Huawei team for inviting ALLOS’ Burkhard Slischka to speak about micro LED display manufacturing challenges at Huawei‘s internal ‘Material Forum’ conference in Munich. We enjoyed the outstanding presentations, the very interactive format and in-depth discussions with the high-level attendees. Thank you for the positive and valuable feedback! You can download a

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ALLOS’ CTO was panelist at Electronic Material Symposium in Japan

The Electronic Material Symposium held this week in Shiga, Japan organized a rump session titled ‘Does your research link with business?’ ALLOS’ CTO Dr. Atsushi Nishikawa, who was invited among other entrepreneurs in GaN and SiC devices, said “I enjoyed the fruitful discussion not only with young students and researchers but also with some of

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SSL 2017 Beijing: ALLOS unique interlayer design enables strain-free and large-diameter epiwafers without bow and cracks

ALLOS’ CEO Burkhard Slischka talks about ALLOS micro LED strategy at SSL 2017 conference in Beijing

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VEECO and ALLOS Demonstrate Industry-leading 200 mm GaN-on-Si Performance to enable Micro-LED Adoption

Plainview, N.Y., November 1, 2017 – Veeco Instruments Inc. (Nasdaq: VECO) announced today the completion of a strategic initiative with ALLOS Semiconductors (ALLOS) to demonstrate 200mm GaN-on-Si wafers for Blue/Green micro-LED production. Veeco teamed up with ALLOS to transfer their proprietary epitaxy technology onto the Propel® Single-Wafer MOCVD System to enable micro-LED production on existing

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纽约普莱恩维尤(Plainview),2017年11月1日– Veeco 公司 (Nasdaq: VECO)今日宣布和ALLOS Semiconductors (ALLOS)达成了一项战略举措,展示了200mm硅基氮化镓晶圆用于蓝/绿光micro-LED的生产。维易科和ALLOS合作将其专有外延技术转移到Propel® 单晶圆MOCVD系统,从而在现有的硅生产线上实现生产micro-LED。

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Plainview,N.Y.,2017年11月1日 – Veeco Instruments Inc.(Nasdaq:VECO)今天宣布與ALLOS Semiconductors(ALLOS)完成一項戰略措施,以展示200mm 矽基板用於氮化鎵藍/綠光Micro-LED的生產上。 Veeco與ALLOS合作將其專有的磊晶技術轉移到Propel® Single-Wafer MOCVD系統上,以便於現有的矽生產線上實現生產Micro-LED。

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“The Right Strategy for Developing GaN Power Electronics” – ALLOS’ CEO Burkhard Slischka talks at SEMI China’s CPSIC 2017 conference in Nanjing

SEMI China invited ALLOS’ CEO Burkhard Slischka to talk about market entry strategies into GaN-on-Si for power electronics at this year’s CPSIC conference in Nanjing.

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ALLOS’ CTO is invited to give a lecture at Osaka University about history of GaN-on-Si development and its future

Thanks to Prof. Ryuji Katayama of Osaka University, ALLOS’ Atsushi Nishikawa is invited to give a lecture this week to undergraduate and graduate students at Osaka University about the history of GaN-on-Si technology and possible future development. For ALLOS it remains important to engage with the academic community and to encourage students and young researchers

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ICNS 2017: ALLOS explains why carbon-doping is not needed to achieve high isolation in GaN-on-Si

Strasbourg, France – 28th July 2017 – At this week’s ICNS scientific conference ALLOS’ co-founder and CTO Dr. Atsushi Nishikawa discussed three common believes about GaN-on-Si: Firstly, that the usage of carbon would be inevitable, secondly that using interlayers in the buffer would be a source of leakage and thirdly that the choice of the

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ALLOS was invited to talk about micro LEDs at LED Taiwan 2017

ALLOS Semiconductors’ co-founder and CMO Alexander Loesing was invited to talk about “Who will benefit from micro LEDs with new generation GaN-on-Si?” at last week’s LED industry event in Taiwan. After briefly looking at the challenges of using GaN-on-Si for conventional LEDs the presentation focused on the opportunities and challenges for the LED and silicon

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